To do so, I've establish, of course, a scale on which you will be able to give your input!!!!
Definition : the term refers to any "female" gender we incounter that for XYZ reason is wearing near to nothing on a nice sunday afternoon!
The Mullet!!
Definition : Well let's just say that is why I'm fearing my first haircut in Russia!
N.B. Eventhough we are having a blast doing this section, please note that unfortunatly most picture will be back shots, since we are still a little bit shy to take out our camera and take them live. Sorry for the inconvinience. This is why there is no criteria related to beauty of their face or personnality!!! BABY GOT'S BACK!!
Judging parameters :
The girls :
- Height of there stoleto (HS): 0 = flat ; 5 = Crazy stripper shoes!
- Lenght of skirt (LS): 0 = OLD USSR standard for pants ; 5= ah! nice "Victoria's secret" underwear
- Location or day the outfit is worn (LDO):0 = Da! Da! we were at a strip club ; 5 = Geez, come on it's my nephew baptisim ......
OVERAL points = HS + LS + LDO (couldn't help it, engineer geek)
The boys :
- Lenght of the mullet (LM): 0 = baby/wannabee mullet ; 5 = Jesus Christ, thank God I brought my clipper, Nadia please shave my head.
- Mullet Power -thickness of hair (MP) : 0 = come on your about to be bold shave it off ; 5 = that is some race horse thickeness power! Bravo Champion!
- Overal clothes (OC) : 0 = At least your clothes is nice (not going to happen folks) ; 5 = Geez, is it the clothes Canada shipped 30 years ago to help out, yep that's Grandpa sweatpants!
OVERAL points = LM + MP + OC
WTR (welcome to Russia!) You will quickly notice that as much as the girl were incredible dearing clothing, the guys on the other hand are still in the USSR regime!!!
OKAY! OKAY! All the category could be in this photo!!! but if you look closer you should notice one person standing out!!!
I got to admit, I volontary started hard core!!! To her defense it was the Navy thing that day, but still can I hear it for some
bonus point on the nice head gear!!!!! (not sure where to add those bonus point to the formula :-P)

<--- (1)
HS = 4 (height is good, but flat in the front, what the hell was she thinking)
LS = 4 (I can really complain, but she does have 1-2 in under her butt, that's kind of long for here!) She would score points on thighness of dress!
LDO = 5 (Well like mention that's more than okay to go to church with! she had a small black vest :-P, it was in a touristic place with kids !!! )
Total = 13 , but i'm giving her a extra 2 points for the hat!!!
Okay we didn't get much guys on camera yet, but like they say it's not quantity but quality!!!! The other side, the girl was haging with our big CHAMPION here! must have money or related!
LM = 4, we saw longer but it's well defined!
MP = 5, Enjoy the profile lady, doesn't look like a solid Mullet!!!
OC = 5, just love the pink t-shirt on guys!
The fact that he was beside the girl (3) makes his style stand out!!!
Total = 14
(3) ------>
HS = 4, they are high but come on, they are full instead of a small steleto!
LS = 3 , we are talking of 3-4 in lower than butt!
LDO = 4, It's still sunday (we got lucky on the picture taking) , but at least she is wearing white for god's day!
Total = 11
Okay, back to serious contenders!!! We have the perfect barbie in the next one!!! you can also get a special two extra chicks for free in the back ground (they were coming out of work)! As for Barbie, she came inside our building to get ....... I don't know maybe she finish her stripper jig early and she wanted to suprise her boyfriend!

HS = 5, this is the perfect example of what we mean, please notice the 1-2 inch height in the front of the shoe!
LS = 5 , I believe this one was 1 in over her butt line! :-P, do notice eventhought the lenght she still have space for a pocket, and her hand fits in it!!
LDO = 5, it's 5 o'clock, we are in a working district , not on the main, or the strip club!!!
Total = 15 +2 points for the bleach blond look or her fake breast!, but I like the fake breast :-P!!!
There so much women here that they even put them on the building!!! Incredible!!

HS = 4, It's got good standard height, in her case it's were she is wearing them that counts! LS = 4 , Believe it or not, this is the standard height of skrit here!! LDO = 6, This was taken on a Saturday at Petergof (summer palace, 45 min boat ride, all dirt road, but still she stick with her saturday nite club outfit!!! That's dedicated to the cause!

HS = 0, I got to admit that it would of been superb to see her with stoleto! They are probably in the car!
HS = 5, she is worth it, setting such a good example for her girl, plus they look so stable in the dirt to run around with her "dochka"!!
LS = 3 , Believe it or not, this is the standard height of skrit here for mom's!!
LDO = 5 , same has before plus what a role model for the kid, what do you want to be when you grow up, a hooker like 'mommy'! Total = 14
Hey all the guys "entrepreneur" out there, why haven't we started this concept in montréal, which guy wouldn't pay to get sushi plus a schoolgirl waitress!!! Nice concept this restaurant also have 'Japananimate' everywhere on the walls!!! Plus they have nice business lunch menu, serve quickly!!!

It's the most confusing thing to have a oriental girl speak russian to you!!!!
She started understanding our point technique for ordering!!!
To her defense at least she's on the main street so it's normal to dress up!!!
HS = 4, Nice height and thin!!! all we look in a good shoe!
LS = 2, kind of long for the main street!
LDO = 2 , on neivesky prospeckt, more than normal! We got use to it!
Total = 8
Okay let's finish with something to convince all the guys to come to see us in St-Pete!!!
We went about 30 min out of the city to a cool lake where we had a cool BBQ with the Russian and all their family! It's in the woods, nothing but campign around!!! Small beach, you can look at the Facebook photo!!!
This girl out of no where is dress for a catalog picture shoot or a playboy party!!!
LS = 5, well for a bikini, it's pretty short!
LDO = 5, Saturday in the camping zone!!! Bravo!
Total = 10, if only she cared and would of worn shoes!!!
To bad!!!
I keep telling everyone: This is the best kept secret of the cold war! Great chicks, great pictures.