We went to visit a friend who lives in the south end of St-Petersburg. It was something else to see how slow the traffic was due to the snow, which several days later was still unmoved from where it had accumulated! A pleasant winter day: sunny and cool without much wind – having to climb through the snowbanks that had overgrown the sidewalk proved to be true sport!
Just when I think that Russia can’t surprise me, I turn the corner to find the latest WTR** moment. On Saturday, I was struggling to move forward down a side street when a young woman on a horse casually trotted past. Not something I would expect to find in the city!
I would also like to take this chance to wish everyone very happy holidays and all the best for the New Year! May 2010 find you healthy and happy and may the year be filled with joy and adventure!
*The link is to an article published in the St-Petersburg Times, which explains how this is the worst snowfall the city has seen in over 100 years! Thousands of soldiers and civilians were hired to help clear the roads and the sidewalks.
**WTR = Welcome to Russia. Our phrase when dealing with unusual things or frustrating moments that you have to hope of changing, much like the ocean’s tide